Rojava, also referred to as Western Kurdistan (Rojavaya Kurdistanê), is a de facto autonomous region originating in three self-governing cantons in northern Syria. The history of the region ROJAVA in thirty pictures. The opening of the exhibition ROJAVA will take place on Monday, the 11th of July at 7pm in the European Parliament. With live performance of Kurdish and Arabic music by Salah Ammo and Peter Gabis.
Opening of the Exhibition
Monday, 11th of July 2016 at 7 pm
JAN 3Q Space Exhibition Area
Rue Wiertz 60/ Place Luxenbourg
European Parliament Brussels
The thirty pictures, in which main characters and historical events of the development of Rojava are represented, will be exhibited from 11th of July until 15th of July 2016. The pictures originates from the private collection of the Austrian political scientist Thomas Schmidinger who has been working on Kurdistan issues since many years. The exhibition is hosted by MEP Josef Weidenholzer, Vice-President of the S&D Group.
Registration: Feel free to bring also your colleagues and friends. Free entry. For a entrance-badge and for registration, please write an email to [email protected].