Über 1,6 Millionen intern Vertriebene befinden sich seit den Angriffen des so genannten „Islamischen Staates“ allein in der Autonomieregion Kurdistan. Wir haben unseren Spendenaufruf für Vertriebene im Nordirak in die verschiedenen EU-Sprachen übersetzen lassen. Hier findet ihr die englische Fassung, mit der wir im EU-Parlament arbeiten:
Emergency aid for refugees in northern Iraq
The current humanitarian situation in northern Iraq is catastrophic. As a result of the attacks carried out by Islamic State, there are more than 1.6 million internally displaced persons in the autonomous region of Kurdistan alone. The makeshift refugee camps lack even the most basic amenities: there is no proper sanitation or accommodation which offers protection against the cold. The refugees have no winter shoes, and schooling and childcare are non-existent. The poor hygiene conditions in the camps may lead to outbreaks of cholera and other diseases.
We are working closely with LeEZA, an NGO which has been active in the region for over 10 years, and appealing for donations to improve conditions in the refugee camps near Dohuk in northern Iraq. Every penny will go straight to the displaced Yazidis of the region, who will be provided with food, medicines, clothing, improved sanitation and even toys for the children. Please make a donation.
Northern Iraq emergency aid
Account: LeEZA
IBAN: AT4432 0000 0006 955355
Please pass on the details of our appeal for donations.
Thank you for your donations and support.
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